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Spring Break 2021

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

Palms at Sunset

I took this picture on our way back from the store.

As we were exiting the freeway I looked to my left and saw a beautiful sunset ,so i decided to take a picture

I like the way it came out, but maybe next time i'll try to have less negative space


Out For A Run

This picture was taken while I was out running.

It was a quick one so I didn't have the time to set up my shot how I would like it.

Next time I am for sure going to take more time because it looks a bit grainy.


Day at The Park

My family and I went to the park for a couple hours. It was fun because we played sports the whole time we were there. On our way to the park I managed to snap this quick picture of the clouds. I do like the picture, but I believe it can be better with a little bit of editing.

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